Saturday, May 30, 2020

Should Job Seekers Take Vacation

Should Job Seekers Take Vacation Join Jason Alba as he spends time with Barry Groh, executive in the non-profit space, with a personal “Getting Started on JibberJobber” session.   Barry has not started to use JibberJobber, and this one-hour session will answer all his questions, address things such as importing from LinkedIn and Outlook, and anything else that comes up.   Simply use the same registration information and callin number you find on the Free Webinar page (even though the date is for next year, this will happen on July 29, 2008 at 9am MST (11am noon). When in my job search I listened to a guy who said taking a vacation from his job search was a huge mistake.   He lost momentum and found it hard to get back in the groove. I was working 60 hours a week (10 hours a day, 6 days a week) in my job search.   I could have used a vacation, but (a) I didnt have money, and (b) I was to anxious to get a paying job to go off and frolick somewhere cool. It seems to me Ive read articles from career experts saying it is important to take a vacation during the job search. I didnt even want to stop working on holidays!   I was anxiously engaged in finding that next job! What do you think should job seekers be able to (or, make time to) take a vacation? Should Job Seekers Take Vacation Join Jason Alba as he spends time with Barry Groh, executive in the non-profit space, with a personal “Getting Started on JibberJobber” session.   Barry has not started to use JibberJobber, and this one-hour session will answer all his questions, address things such as importing from LinkedIn and Outlook, and anything else that comes up.   Simply use the same registration information and callin number you find on the Free Webinar page (even though the date is for next year, this will happen on July 29, 2008 at 9am MST (11am noon). When in my job search I listened to a guy who said taking a vacation from his job search was a huge mistake.   He lost momentum and found it hard to get back in the groove. I was working 60 hours a week (10 hours a day, 6 days a week) in my job search.   I could have used a vacation, but (a) I didnt have money, and (b) I was to anxious to get a paying job to go off and frolick somewhere cool. It seems to me Ive read articles from career experts saying it is important to take a vacation during the job search. I didnt even want to stop working on holidays!   I was anxiously engaged in finding that next job! What do you think should job seekers be able to (or, make time to) take a vacation?

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